



今天好好看了一下flickr的help,才发现这就是free account的限制(“Photostream views limited to the 200 most recent images”),气死我了,这样就失去我使用flickr的意义了。


1。就是购买Flickr的Pro Account,这是正途。但是我看来是不会有闲钱做这个了,wuWU。当然如果有好心人purchase a gift account for me,那就太感激了,我会提供更多更好的photos给大家欣赏。
2。这是一个比较现实的取巧方法,我发现group中的photos仍然可以浏览到,可能group是公共area的原因吧。那就自己建立多建几个group,而不是只是靠set来分类(这样还可以突破另外一个限制“3 photosets”,我不用set,用group,^_^)。所有的photots都加到各自的group中,这样就可以方便浏览到所有的photos了。这个方法也存在一个问题,就是如何批量将photos加入某个group,我还没有找到方法。(本方法仍未确认!)
from http://www.flickr.com/help/general/#28
3. Can I pay to keep more of my photos on Flickr?
Absolutely! Upgrade to a Pro Account for just US$24.95 a year. Here's what you'll get with a Pro Account:
  • 2 GB monthly upload limit
  • Unlimited storage
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Unlimited photosets
  • Permanent archiving of high-resolution original images
  • Ad-free browsing and sharing
Compare that to what you get with a Free Account:
  • 20 MB monthly upload limit
  • 3 photosets
  • Photostream views limited to the 200 most recent images
  • Storage of smaller (resized) images
For more information, visit our upgrade page.
4. How can I purchase a gift account?
There are two ways you can buy a gift account. The first way is to go to the Buy a Pro Account page and click the link "buy a gift subscription for a friend". You can either choose a contact from the drop-down menu or enter a screen name of the person you'd like to buy a gift account for.
The other way to buy a gift account is to select one of your contacts, friends or family members from "Your contacts". Look for the hyperlinked text in the upper right-hand corner -- "Sponsor (user) with a gift Flickr Pro Account". This takes you to a page where you can purchase a gift account for that special someone.
转载请注明文章转载自: 大笨熊乐园 [ https://blog.foolbear.com/ ]
文章标题: 免费意味着限制
文章地址: https://blog.foolbear.com/2005/11/blog-post_3567.html

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