

APIC Timer and HMP - APIC timer conflict with ACPI

HMP uses the Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC) timer for its high resolution timer. The APIC timer operation may conflict with certain modes of the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI). During the Feature Pack 1 installation process, the install program checks to determine if the ACPI is enabled. If ACPI is enabled and does not meet the minimum version requirement, a message is displayed stating that the local APIC timer is incompatible with this release and that the setup program will disable the Intel NetStructure HMP APIC driver. After the Feature Pack 1 software has been installed and it has been determined that the ACPI is enabled, you must determine if the ACPI is incompatible with HMP by performing the following:
1. Start the HMP media subsystem through the Configuration Manager (DCM). (Refer to the Intel NetStructure Host Media Processing Software Release 1.1 for Windows Installation and Configuration Guide for information about using DCM.)
2. Start the IP Media Server (Global Call) Demo. (Refer to the IP Media Server (Global Call)Demo Guide for information about starting the demo.)
3. Launch Microsoft* NetMeeting* from another computer, with a sound card, connected on the same LAN.
4. Make sure that the Outgoing Calls security option in NetMeeting (Tools>Options>Security) is unselected.
5. Make sure the default coder in NetMeeting is set to "CCITT u-Law, 8.000 kHz, 8 Bit, Mono". This is set via the Advanced option in the Audio property sheet accessed via Tools>Options.
6. From NetMeeting, connect to the machine running HMP (by typing the IP address or computer name and clicking the telephone icon) and identify if the audio is acceptable.
7. If the audio is acceptable, no further action is necessary. If there is no audio or poor audio, then you must completely disable ACPI in order to run HMP on this system. Disabling ACPI requires that you re-install Microsoft Windows. Microsoft Knowledge Base Article # Q237556 provides instructions for installing Windows without automatically enabling some form of ACPI.

:ACPI就是Advanced Configuration and Power Interface的缩写,意思是“高级配置与电源接口”。这是英特尔、微软和东芝共同开发的一种电源管理标准。

不过,ACPI和其他的电源管理方式一样,要想享受到上面这些功能,必须要有软件和硬件的支持。在软件方面,Windows 98及其后续产品和Windows 2000都对ACPI给予了全面的支持;硬件方面比较麻烦,除了要求主板、显卡和网卡等外设要支持ACPI外,还需要机箱电源的配合。电源在提供5伏电压给主板的同时,还必须使电流稳定在720毫安以上才可以,这样它才能够实现电脑的“睡眠”和“唤醒”。

   S1--也称为POS(Power on Suspend),这时除了通过CPU时钟控制器将CPU关闭之外,其他的部件仍然正常工作,这时的功耗一般在30W以下;(其实有些CPU降温软件就是利用这种工作原理)
   S3--这就是我们熟悉的STR(Suspend to RAM),这时的功耗不超过10W;
   S4--也称为STD(Suspend to Disk),这时系统主电源关闭,但是硬盘仍然带电并可以被唤醒;
我们最常用到的是S3状态,即Suspend to RAM(挂起到内存)状态,简称STR。顾名思义,STR就是把系统进入STR前的工作状态数据都存放到内存中去。在STR状态下,电源仍然继续为内存等最必要的设备供电,以确保数据不丢失,而其他设备均处于关闭状态,系统的耗电量极低。一旦我们按下Power按钮(主机电源开关),系统就被唤醒,马上从内存中读取数据并恢复到STR之前的工作状态。内存的读写速度极快,因此我们感到进入和离开STR状态所花费的时间不过是几秒钟而已;而S4状态,即STD(挂起到硬盘)与STR的原理是完全一样的,只不过数据是保存在硬盘中。由于硬盘的读写速度比内存要慢得多,因此用起来也就没有STR那么快了。STD的优点是只通过软件就能实现,比如Windows 2000就能在不支持STR的硬件上实现STD。
转载请注明文章转载自: 大笨熊乐园 [ https://blog.foolbear.com/ ]
文章标题: APIC Timer and HMP - APIC timer conflict with ACPI
文章地址: https://blog.foolbear.com/2005/11/apic-timer-and-hmp-apic-timer-conflict.html

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