这段测试也耗了我不少的时间,原本想不过写个demo,应该很简单的,没有想到最后成了一个hmp的功能测试工具,可以测试hmp提供的所有基本功能,还加上了CLI(command line interface)。
其实周五就测试的差不多了,没有想到为了V.17 pcm fax的测试,害得我犯了一个低级错误,今天整整折腾了小半天,才发现问题所在,气死我了。
- Basic call control, call in and call out.
- Basic voice routine, play and record wave file.
- Call Transfer, unattended and attended sip call transfer, as party transferring, transferred and transferred-to or SIP roles: Transferor, Transferee and Transfer Target.
- Registration and sip digest authentication.
- LAN disconnection alarms.
- T.38 fax server, including 491 REQUEST PENDING demo.
- V.17 pcm fax or fax pass-through.
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