

友好的Google Profile地址

Google Profiles have cryptic web addresses that include 21-digit IDs to make them impossible to guess. One option to make the profile more accessible is to check "Display my full name so I can be found in search", an option that makes the profile searchable.

Another option is to change the profile's URL to http://www.google.com/profiles/username, where "username" is the name of your Gmail account or an alias for those who use regular Google accounts. For example, the address http://www.google.com/profiles/107577569099911236284 becomes http://www.google.com/profiles/greatfoolbear.
大笨熊语】从“修改您的个人资料 - 关于我 - Profile URL”进入修改。

"To make it easier for people to find your profile, you can customize your URL with your Google email username. (Note this can make your Google email address publicly discoverable.) This unique name will also be used in other links to your content on Google," explains Google.
转载请注明文章转载自: 大笨熊乐园 [ https://blog.foolbear.com/ ]
文章标题: 友好的Google Profile地址
文章地址: https://blog.foolbear.com/2009/04/google-profile.html

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