因为HMP 2.0使用了新的License activating的机制(LmTools),原以为是我没有操作正确。又在仔细看了一遍文档,其中提到:
The LMTOOLS utility may fail on systems running Windows* XP with Service Pack 2 if the System Settings tab is selected. To avoid this, use the following procedure to turn Data Execution Prevention (DEP) off:ok,既然找到问题赶快改。可是等我重新启动后,发现还是不可用,而且发现在DCM中“4r4v4e4c4s4f4i_host_eva.lic”还是只显示了“Voice 1 | RTP 1 |”。如果只有一个port,当然是不能初始化第二个channel了。
1. Select System from the Windows Control Panel. The System Properties dialog box will appear.
2. Select the Advanced tab.
3. In the Performance region, click the Settings button. The Performance Options dialog box will appear.
4. Select the Data Execution Prevention tab in the Performance Options dialog box.
5. Choose Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select:.
6. Click the Add... button. The Open dialog box will appear.
7. Browse and select the executable file for your application (LMTOOLS utility).
8. Click the Open button. The file you selected will then be displayed in the Performance Options dialog box.
9. Click the Apply button at the bottom of the Performance Options dialog box.
10. Click the OK button at the bottom of the System Properties dialog box.
11. Reboot the system.

但是问题是出在Download HMP License上呢,还是在LmTools的操作上呢?
BTW,LmTools的License机制还没有原来的HMP license manager好用,START/STOP service搞不清楚,而且不能直观的看到license信息。
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