Notes:我在google search了一下,好像没有发现国内已经有人拿到邀请,难道我是第一人?
- Ask at least 5 well-formed questions, provide 5 credible answers and vote 5 times to select a best answer. Strive for quality. Your questions and answers will also be appearing as Windows Live Search results in the future-so you'll be helping people beyond those who use QnA.
- Go back to the site regularly to close out the questions you've asked by selecting the best answer or add comments on the growing content. Your opinion counts! Your votes on other people's answers are important to keeping the quality bar high.
- Let us know how we can improve through the beta feedback forms. You know best - we want to hear it all!
点击email中的“Check here”,是个大家熟悉的link,类似“”,接受,continue后竟然无法打开页面。我登陆“”看到已经正常加入“Windows Live QnA Managed Beta”。

我直接登陆QnA的主页“”,果然上面的步骤已经加入QnA了,显示“sign up”页面。


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