Google Voice 免费派发新号码名片了,我安照Guide,登录Google Voice,狂刷界面都没有看到所谓的iPrint.com免费印刷名片的广告,晕啊,不知道哪位申请到了?
updated @ 2009.07.25 10:45:
We are giving away 50,000 free sets of 25 cards (no shipping or any other fees) over the next week. Keep an eye open for an image and link to appear in your Google Voice inbox, on the left side below the account balance, as it will appear at different times for different Google Voice users throughout the week.要等下周才开始派送,现在当然没有了。大家要注意位置哦。
2 条评论 :
似乎很酷,可惜我的google voice号码还没有通过验证啊。
@wanjie 有关电话验证的内容,请参考文章《Google Voice 电话验证通过》。