




现在我对flickr的感觉很复杂,又爱又恨。它曾经是我的最爱,我blog中所需要的图片、插图以及自制截图全部都上传到flickr上面(现在blog上处处可见“this photo is currently unavailable”),几乎每天都要登陆、浏览多次,上载自己的,欣赏别人的图片,不亦乐乎。但是现在我的图片在没有任何警告的情况下全被清除了,让我很难理解,我觉得应该flickr应该先给我一个WARNING,给我一个改正的机会或者至少让我有机会备份自己的图片下来。


对于flickr的“Flickr Community Guidelines”,我又仔细看了一下,有一些体会,希望大家引以为戒。主要是关注“DON'Ts”中的条例:
  • Upload anything that isn't yours 
    This includes other people's photographs and/or stuff that you've collected from around the Internet. (这个当时是干过,相信很多人都干过,internet上downlaod的美女图啊、风景图什么的。但是我觉得这不是我的flickr account被砍的原因,flickr的administrator不可能一张张图片check,我也不会那么有名,会被重点关注。)
  • Use your account to host web graphics like logos and banners 
    Your account will be terminated if you use it to host graphic elements of web page designs, icons, smilies, buddy icons, forum avatars, badges and other non-photographic elements on external websites. (我怀疑这才是最有可能的原因,通过流量和引用,flickr的administrator很容易分析出来,只是想不通flickr为什么不让大家这样作,logo等也是自己的创作啊。
  • Vent your frustrations, rant or bore the brains out of other members 
    Flickr is not a venue for to you harass, abuse, impersonate, or intimidate others. If we receive a valid complaint about your conduct, we will send you a warning or terminate your account. 我没有干过。
  • Sell stuff (including yourself) 
    Flickr is for personal use only. If you sell products or services through your photostream, we will terminate your account.(我没有干过。)
  • Be creepy 
    Don't be that guy. You know the guy. 我没有干过。
  • Upload photos that include frontal nudity, genitalia or anything else that your bathing suit should cover in public areas of Flickr 
    If you do we'll make your photostream private and remind you of this Guideline. If you don't heed our warning and continue to make similar content public, we'll terminate your account without warning. This applies to your Buddy Icon as well. (可能个别的美女图有这个嫌疑,但是应该不是很过分的,在flickr上比我的图片过分的大有人在。)
  • Upload content that is illegal in public or private areas of Flickr 
    If you do, your account will be deleted and we'll take appropriate action that may include reporting you to the authorities.我没有干过。
转载请注明文章转载自: 大笨熊乐园 [ https://blog.foolbear.com/ ]
文章标题: 沉痛悼念我flickr上的图片
文章地址: https://blog.foolbear.com/2006/04/flickr_03.html

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