

有关WLM邀请和live mail调查


我赶紧check自己的hotmail后缀passport,一个也没有,和一些Live fans联系他们也都收到,大多10个,有的5个。而我这个第一代还没有这么多,哭啊...

     hotmail                                                                                    msn
1。不能正常申请live mail                                               成功申请live mail
2。只得到1次WLM邀请                                                  3次得到WLM邀请
3。登陆ideas.live.com是中文环境                                               英文环境
4。ideas.live.com只有2项live产品试用                                           有多项
5。登陆connect.microsoft.com是中文环境                                  英文环境
1。home location是Florida,US                       home location是NY,US
2。language是chinese                                           language是english
3。MS的邀请发到hotmail                                                         发到gmail
我现在按照我的msn passport的参数来设定peggy的hotmail passport,并从MSN passport发WLM邀请给她,发现ideas.live.com还是中文环境,看看以后其WLM会否下蛋? 

今天msn passport还收到MS的live mail调查email,看到有咨询大家是否希望“Viewing my Instant Messaging history in a folder in my inbox”,^_^,和我的想法差不多。
How useful would each of the following be to you, personally, if it was added to the Mail Beta?

1。Viewing my Instant Messaging history in a folder in my inbox     
2。Delivery notification (Senders can be notified when their mail has been opened)      
3。Ability to access emails from my other email accounts through a single log in(other accounts would show up as folders in my inbox)      
4。Ability to create folders inside folders for easier mail management      
5。Synchronizing my work calendar with my Mail Beta calendar so I can access my events online     
6。Ability to subscribe to RSS feeds to be delivered and viewed through a reader in the Mail Beta     
7。Better integration with my mobile phone; easier ways to set up my mobile phone to receive emails      
8。Offline email (ability to read and compose messages when my computer is not connected to the internet; the next time I connect, new messages are sent and received)      
9。Message icons to show “safety level” of individual mails in my inbox (green icon for known senders, yellow icon for unknown senders, red icon for fraudulent mail)      
10。More choices of stationary, formatting and layout options, and emoticons
How interested are you in getting a new email address on a new, simple and easy domain (e.g. joesmith@live.com)?
What if you could NOT automatically move any of your contacts, calendar, messenger buddies, emails and subscriptions to your new email address joesmith@live.com. Would you still be interested in getting a new email address?
转载请注明文章转载自: 大笨熊乐园 [ https://blog.foolbear.com/ ]
文章标题: 有关WLM邀请和live mail调查
文章地址: https://blog.foolbear.com/2006/01/wlmlive-mail.html

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