13.1 Compiling and Linking
Applications that use the SRL software must include references to the SRL header file and must be linked with the appropriate library file. This information is provided the following topics:
• Include Files
• Required Libraries
• Variables for Compiling and Linking Commands
• Cross-Compatibility Library
13.1.1 Include Files
The SRL uses one header file, srllib.h, that contains the equates required by each application that uses the SRL software.
The following lines of code show where the srllib.h file should be included relative to other header files that may be used by the application:
• windows.h is shown to indicate that the Intel® include files should appear after all Windows*
include files.
• srllib.h must be included in code before all other Intel header files.
• XXXXlib.h represents the header file for the device being used. For example, if using a voice device, include the dxxxlib.h file. Depending upon the application, you may need to include more than one Intel device header file.
13.1.2 Required Libraries
Applications developed using the SRL software should be linked with the libsrlmt.lib library file. By default, library files are located in the directory given by the INTEL_DIALOGIC_LIB environment variable.
13.1.3 Variables for Compiling and Linking Commands
In System Release 6.0, the following variables have been introduced to provide a standardize way of referencing the directories that contain header files and libraries:
INTEL_DIALOGIC_INC Variable that points to the directory where header files are stored.
INTEL_DIALOGIC_LIB Variable that points to the directory where library files are stored.
These variables are automatically set at login and should be used in compiling and linking commands. The following is an example of a compiling and linking command that uses these variables:
cc -I${INTEL_DIALOGIC_INC} -o myapp myapp.c -L${INTEL_DIALOGIC_LIB} -lgc
Note: It is strongly recommended that developers begin using these variables when compiling and linking applications since they will be required in future releases. The name of the variables will remain constant, but the values may change in future releases.
13.1.4 Cross-Compatibility Library
The C/C++ language libraries, srllib.c and srllib.cpp, are part of the Cross-Compatibility Library.
With them, an application can perform runtime linking instead of compile-time linking. When using the cross-compatibility method, the application must call the sr_libinit( ) function prior to calling any other Intel function. The sr_libinit( ) function will load the SRL DLL and resolve the entry points to the DLL when the application is executed.
A C/C++ language interface library is also provided with each technology (fax, voice etc.).
Building Dialogic Applications
转载请注明文章转载自: 大笨熊乐园 [ https://blog.foolbear.com/ ]
文章标题: Building Dialogic Applications
文章地址: https://blog.foolbear.com/2005/06/building-dialogic-applications.html
转载请注明文章转载自: 大笨熊乐园 [ https://blog.foolbear.com/ ]
文章标题: Building Dialogic Applications
文章地址: https://blog.foolbear.com/2005/06/building-dialogic-applications.html
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