Model names for Dialogic voice boards are based upon the following pattern:
D/ identifies the board as Dialogic voice hardware
NNN identifies the number of channels (2, 4, 8, 12, etc.), or relative size/power measure
o 0 indicates no support for Call Progress Analysis; 1 indicates support for Call Progress Analysis; and 2 indicates PBX support
R if present, represents board revision (D, E, J, etc.)
BB bus type (SC or CT)
TT telephony interface type (if applicable; valid entries include LS, T1, E1, BR, U {for universal PBX Interface)
VVV ohm value (if it applicable; valid entries are 75 and 120)
Sometimes it is necessary in this document to refer to a group of voice boards
rather than specific models, in which case an "x" is used to replace the part of the
model name that is generic. For example, D/xxx refers to all models of the voice
hardware, and D/8x refers to all 8-channel models.
rather than specific models, in which case an "x" is used to replace the part of the
model name that is generic. For example, D/xxx refers to all models of the voice
hardware, and D/8x refers to all 8-channel models.
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