

Cisco 收购 Jabber

picpicCisco 刚才已经宣布,已经收购了 Jabber,Jabber 大家不会陌生,是一个开源的即时通讯软件,其通讯协议也被 Google Talk 和 Gizmo 所使用。

Cisco 收购 Jabber 为了改善其通讯产品在更多领域的使用,能在更多的环境下畅通无阻:
"Enterprise organizations want an extensible presence and messaging platform that can integrate with business process applications and easily adapt to their changing needs," said Doug Dennerline, Cisco senior vice president, Collaboration Software Group. "With the acquisition of Jabber, we will be able to extend the reach of our current instant messaging service and expand the capabilities of our collaboration platform. Our intention is to be the interoperability benchmark in the collaboration space."
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文章标题: Cisco 收购 Jabber
文章地址: https://blog.foolbear.com/2008/12/cisco-jabber.html

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