


今天有看到文章《@Live.com用户命运未卜?》,让我紧张万分,我的foolbear@live.com千万不要出事啊。自从flickr account被cutfoolbear@gmail.com这个google account被cut(我怎么这么倒霉啊)以来,我顶害怕这样的事情了。何况是我已经开始推动foolbear@live.com作为我的主力邮箱了,不仅仅是一个邮箱,他还牵涉到很多方面的服务。

今早,Hotmail and Live Mail support blog正式就前几天所泄漏的@live.com注册事件发表声明:
Because I don’t want to get into the business of censoring comments, I did not delete the instructions for creating an @live.com account. @live.com accounts are not legitimately available anywhere except in the Netherlands, where we released Windows Live Mail (without the Beta) last week. If you created an @live.com account using the instructions below, it’s quite likely the account will get blown away.
文中提及,迄今为止,唯一合法公正的@live地址只有官方发布的@live.nl,其他都是非正当手段所获取@live.com帐户将可能被删除。如果读者足够细心,应该可以在Hotmail and Live Mail support blog的评论中找到来自Mess.be所泄漏出来的JS注册@live.com的方法:有些人总是太热心,热心到到微软的官方地盘吆喝。

Windows Live fans (and at this point there are far too few of them), the ones who follow sites like LiveSide, should be rewarded for their enthusiasm, not punished. If anything, Windows Live and Live Mail might want to review their security procedures, and take their lumps for what was at best a sloppy release. If the addresses are revoked, it might well turn out to be a public relations nightmare, and anger Windows Live’s biggest fans. Classic case of two wrongs not making a right, if it were to happen.
微软@live.com注册地址泄漏两次,这样的安全问题的承担者应该在其本身,而非我们这些狂热的Live Fans。如果,微软因为自身的问题而将怒火迁就到热心的用户身上,那么微软失去的恐怕不仅仅是他们辛辛苦苦所刚刚建立起来的Live大厦,而是更多愿意 走进这座大厦的用户,当然也包括我们这些已经住进去的许许多多Fans。

对比之前的两次泄漏事件(一次是03年左右时候MSN Explorer 8的Verizon Premium漏洞,部分用户被取消了利用Bug得来的Premium服务;一次是今年6月的那次@live.com泄漏,迄今为止所有的迹象都表明微软 默许了这些Live用户存在的合理性),此次MS扬言要删号,这样的处罚总之显得过于苛刻和缺乏思考。

希望大家能一起发动blog的舆论力量,形成我们的势力,影响M$的决策,保住我们通过漏洞申请的@live.com account。

转载请注明文章转载自: 大笨熊乐园 [ https://blog.foolbear.com/ ]
文章标题: @live.com千万不要出事啊
文章地址: https://blog.foolbear.com/2006/11/livecom.html

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